ayton.net -- William T. Ayton online gallery / portfolio

UDHR Article 8 by William T. Ayton

Article 8 ("Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.") , from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights series, 1991. Exhibited across Europe & the USA, and featured in the Canadian TV (CBC) documentary on Human Rights, "Beauty For Ashes" in 1998, this series continues to evolve.

Please note: beyond the display of Ayton's works, he is not responsible for the other content on these web sites.
This page is only updated occasionally, so some sites/links may be broken or no longer exist.
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Galleries & Directories

Other Artists, etc.

Friends & Associates


  • Alison Wines — vineyard where Ayton had an exhibition & which has his art on its labels for the 2001 vintage
  • Mike Kellstrand — his website has a searchable wine label database, including the Alison art wine labels

Computer Stuff


images & content copyright © William T. Ayton, 1991-2021
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