This page contains a list of web sites that I have for some reason or other found interesting. Some of the sites are my own personal sites, others belong to people I know, others are just sites that caught my interest. All external links open in a new window. More links to be posted.
Here they are:
My Own Web Sites
-—online portfolio of artwork (drawing & painting)
-—artworks from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights series
Web Design Resources
- Lynx Viewer—what do your web pages look like without CSS? (You have to upload a .GIF file to your server in order to test the service)
-—online image-editing inside your browser
- Quackit—selection of webmaster tutorials. Includes interactive "try-it-yourself" mini-windows for CSS, etc.
-—someone called Danny who seems to be one of the developers sent me an email—seems like an interesting way of inserting dummy text into web sites during development.
Friends, Etc.
-—local web design company, very good, very experienced. I consult with them sometimes. See also their web marketing etc. blog.